Metal Millennium
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   "Borknagar" 1996  Century Black

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                                               Borknagar : Borknagar

Put a bunch of talented musicians together with Garm on vocals to top it all off and you
get Borknagar. A kind of supergroup, that knows how to write solid black metal songs
with some atmospheric sampling to add some character.

The album comes alive with a raspy yell from garm (which he uses very frequently in the first song and on the album) and then continues with a very well written song that hooks you into the album. Garm's rasp is dead on as usual, there isn't a lot of breathing room outside of it either. He seldomly uses the clean side and this album doesn't exactly let up, either. But that doesn't mean the album is a dead barage of music, becuase it's not. It shows some accoustic guitar lines and slower symphonic pieces as well. The march in "Tanker Mot Tind" is a nice change from the blazing "Vintervredets Sjelesagn" and the accoustic intro to "Ved Steingard" is a nice touch as well, especially with the nice technical soloing guitar over it. But the album picks up yet again with the next song in line. The album is explores alot of territory and always gets you back into it. One of the heavier Borknagar albums and a great album thats worthy of anyones speakers who is into black metal.

                                                Overall score: 85/100
Reviewed by Brian