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      "Show Us Your Tits: Live" 1998  Ablunt

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Lividity : Show Us Your Tits (Live)

This Brutal Death Metal / Grindcore band chooses Ohio as the spot for their first live release spanning their entire catalog and an unreleased track. How many live DM albums do we see on the market?..not many! ;) The production is mixed decently, with the vocals coming off pretty nicely for a live album, although the guitars and drums seem a lot more muddled and shoved in the background as compared to the studio efforts--not quite as technical, either. The band cruises through sixteen tracks in less than forty-five minutes, making conversation with the live audience after nearly ever stop.To be honest, it got rather boring after three or four tracks. It's pretty humorous, though,  to see that these guys don't take themselves or the band very seriously at all. Need evidence? Listen to them ask the female audience to flash a bodily part or them say, "We don't talk about weed/We don't talk about Satan/We talk about the pussy." The last four tracks on the album, taken from one of their demos, is the best material here, and it's the highlight of the album. A decent live set at best, this album is good for a listen or two at most, but not a purchase.

1. Rectal Wench                                                           10. Immortal Impact
2. Feasting on the Mankind                                        11. Randomly Raped Rectum
3. Devour Humanity                                                   12. My Cock It Bleeds
4. Lacerations of an Unclean Twat
                          13. Brains for Lubrication
5. Graveyard Delicacy                                              14. Fetal Scabs
6. Stench of Virginity *                                             15. Tampered Flesh **
7. Process of Disembowelment                                16. Rectal Wench **
8. Pussy Lover                                                         17. Fetal Scabs **
9. Orfice Reconstruction                                         18. Orfice Reconstruction **

*  previously unlreased
**  taken from Rejoice from Morbity, a demo; not live.
Reviewed by Sam